
Friday 28 November 2014

Amato (Digital story) Basketball

This person having basketball training and he try his hardest and succeed.

Monday 13 October 2014

My Xtramath

My Worst Mistake.

My Worst Mistake

My worst mistake was when I kicked the ball to the window. It smashed and I got in trouble because there was shattered glass everywhere on the floor and on the window.

I had to pick up all the glass it was hard because there were small glass that I could not see int carpet. After that I had to go pick up rubbish and then do other chores.

Thursday 25 September 2014

Place of origin



At Christmas we cook food and eat and I enjoy having Christmas once a year with my family. The men put down an umu. The ladies always make the desserts. Christmas is special to me because I celebrate it with my family.  

At Christmas my dad, brother and I go into the back yard to roast two big pigs, but only one at a time, sometimes my family will let me help them cook the pig. After the pigs are done we wrap them in foil so That it is still warm when it's time to eat. Then we put it on the table in the front. After all the pigs are roasted we cook lamb, Kumra, potato. After That my mum and my sister cook in the kitchen.

My sister and my mum make fruit drink with a lot of fruit and put it outside. After thatthey move on to baking a chocolate cake and they 'always put a lot of icing all over the cake. Then my mum goes and chops up the fish and puts it into the pot, this has to cook for 2 hours. After That we eat and invite family members.

We invite our cousins ​​and my uncle and my auntie to come and eat. It is a yummy feast at Christmas. We wait until it is dark, then we open our presents, I got a rugby ball and a new bike for Christmas.

I enjoy having Christmas once a year with my family and I enjoy eating the food that my family and I make together.

Friday 19 September 2014

This website is a fun website I have been doing programing using code and I used a presentation to put my instructions in it and I used codes,blocks.

Thursday 28 August 2014


Soccer is a really famous sport around the world because there are 200 countries that play Soccer. 250 million players play this game in the world. It is a fun way to pass time.

The rules to Soccer are you are not aloud to touch the ball with your hands, you are not allowed to jump at an opponent, you are also not allowed to push the opponent and you're not allowed to spit at an opponent. To play, you need to know all the positions too.

The positions are Center back, Left back, Right back, Midfielders, Left wing, Right wing and Striker. The Striker is my favourite because he gets to score all the goals. A good example of a striker is Lionel Messi he plays in the forwards for Argentina and he scores a lot of goals. You also need to know how to kick the ball.

To kick accurately , you have to use the inside of your foot. The power of the kick depends on the skill level of the receiver. Also you should spread out so that when you get the ball you have lots of room to run around.

250 million people and 200 countries all come together every 4 years for one aim. That aim is to compete in the FIFA World Cup. I hope that you have learnt something from this explanation.


The beach

At the beach

What do you see at the beach? I see and hear loud birds tweeting to one another. Waves crashing into the big boulders on the side of the cliff.

I remember as if it were yesterday

I remember as if it were yesterday my family and I went to the beach with my cousin. It was fun, my cousin and I went to go get the rugby ball out of the car. When we got the rugby ball we started playing rugby it was 3 vs 3, we enjoyed it. When the tide came in we put on our togs and then we saw a big wave coming towards us. I started to swim up to it then it took me back to shore. Finally it was time to go home.

Wednesday 30 July 2014

My Hexagon art

This is my hexagon art
For my art I used aye compass and protractor for my design.
The thing i like about my art was the colours because their dark and light. 
I would change my pattern 

Monday 28 July 2014

My Xtramath

This is my Xtramath as you can see I got 8 answers wrong and 92 answers right I am improving my subtraction skills and I hope to move on to division.

Tuesday 24 June 2014

30 Dollar note

Jonah Lomu

I chose Jonah Lomu because for playing for All Blacks and the opening of the rugby world cup 2011 he was in the New Zealand team. Jonah was the best union player he is so famous and he has 63 rugby caps.

My other reasons are he made New Zealand famous and he played until he retired. His nickname was Big Man.

My next reason is he was the best in the world  and he was so good at running he was named the best wing in the the world .

Monday 9 June 2014

My Xtramath

This is my Xtramaths I got 96 out of 100 

Monday 5 May 2014

My Xtramath

This is my xtramath I am on subtraction I got 90 out of 100

Algebra game

Today we played the algebra game.
To play you use substitution to answer the question
It was so hard for me because it was my first time trying algebra.

Holiday Reading Amato

Hoilday Reading - Amato

Radical Reading

Get someone to take a photo of yourself reading your book in a totally radical place.  
Post it onto your blog with a comment that tells you:
Screenshot from 2014-05-05 08:34:52.png

- Title Captain Underpants and the Big. Bad Bionic Booger Boy
- Author Dav Pilkey
- Type of Book Humourous
- Where you are reading. Tolet

Thursday 17 April 2014

My Xtramath

This is my xtramath I got 93 out of 100 in subtraction.

Monday 14 April 2014

My peom

The thunder come with rage of raw 
there are big stomps in the city and
carries on stomping.

Friday 11 April 2014

My trip to the Panmure library

We went to the PanmureLibrary & met mama Piri,tau from that Auckland museum & Ruth from the Library.First we coloured in a mouse and octopus.Next we drew some patterns and stick it to some string. Finally we had a dance completion's  I won.My favourite part was when I was dance hard out.

My Art

This is my transformation art.
I used three media - Pastel,Crayon,Dye and Paint.
It shows three transformations.
The first row is translated.
The second row is rotated.
The last row is reflected.
I really like my translated because it shows all my favourite colours.
Next time I would improve with my Crayon.

Thursday 20 March 2014

My Character Analysis

This a story about a boy that saves his dad and brother from a car crash.

Wednesday 19 March 2014

My Studyladder

Today I went on my studyladder and played a game called flip and slide or turn .
It was a games that you had to rotate around.
It was a tricky games because I had to slide,turn and flip. 

Thursday 13 March 2014

My art

My I am a seashell

I am a tree waiting for someone to
swing on me.

I am everywhere at the
back of people’s houses.

Sometimes I get cut down
and used as wood.

When it rains
I sway a lot in the wind.

When it is sunny
I make shade.

Tuesday 11 March 2014

My Cultural Language.


1. One          
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
5. Five
6. Six
7. Seven
8. Eight
9. Nine
10. Ten

+ Addition
- Subtraction
x Multiplication
÷ Division

1. taha
2. ua
3. tolu
4. fa
5. nima
6. ono
7. fitu
8. valu
9. hiva
10. hongofulu

+ Addition
- Subtraction
x Multiplication
÷ Division

1. yi

2. erh
3. san
4. ss
5. wu
6. lio
7. chi
8. bah
9. jio
10. shvr

+ Addition
- Subtraction
x Multiplication
÷ Division

Thursday 6 March 2014

My Weekly Number

Today’s Number:
Write it in words
one hundred and thirty six
Write it as an expanded number
100 + 36

Add 3
+ 25
Subtract 5
- 17
Next 3 even numbers
Double it
Last 4 odd numbers
135, 133, 131, 129
Half of it
10% of it is
25% of it is
⅓ of it is
Multiply by 6
x by 4
Divide by 4
÷ by 6

Wednesday 5 March 2014

Place value

Our focus this unit has been on place value.this is the game i played to work on my place value its called happy hippo halves.

Monday 3 March 2014

My Index

Using an index
L.I. - Library/Research skills
Using an index to find information quickly

Most non-fiction books have an index.  Like a table of contents, it lists the books contents and relevant page numbers, but in much more detail.  It presents the topics in alphabetical order to help your search.  Below is an example from a health book.


aerobics                    2-14
breathing                 9-10
carbohydrates      36
co-ordination         20-25
cycling                       32
diet                              30-40
diseases                   45-65
doctor                       40-44
drinking                    63
drugs, harmful      70-75
drugs, medical       60-65
exercise                    11-20
fat                               35
fatigue                      76-79
good health            80-90
happy                       91-92
hospital                    40-44, 48-65
hygiene                    93-94

illness                           45-65
incapacitated           45-65
injuries                         60-65
inoculation                 96-98
lungs                             9-10, 60-64
medicine                      45-65, 96-98
mental illness            99-120
moods                          99-104
pharmacist                 60-65
physical activities     121-150
rest                                 151-155
self-discipline              115-120              
smoking                       121-124
sport                             15-20
strength                      12-14
vigour                           140-150
vitamins                       64-65
weight                           30-35

Why are there two index entries for drugs? 70-75 and 121 - 124
Which two entries will help you find out about tiredness and how to cope?151-155& 12-14
Which pages would you turn to in order to find out about injuries? 60-65
Which two entries would you use to find out more about healthy eating? 30-40 & 80-90
Which pages would you turn to in order to find out about the bad effects of smoking?121-124
On which pages would you find out about hospital life?40-44 and 48-65Q
Why do you think there are two ranges of page numbers for lungs?of9-10 60-64

On which pages would you find out more about the healthy effects of sport.11-20 & 30-35

Friday 21 February 2014

My Xtramath

This is my Xtramath on addition you can see that  I got 2 wrong and 98 right.

Monday 17 February 2014

My voice thread

This is my voice thread on my film strip

My I know someone who can

I know someone who
can balance a see-saw.

I know someone who
is fast as a cheetah.

I know someone who
is a shark at swimming.

I know someone who
can run and score a try in rugby.

I know someone who 
can do 5 back flips in a pool.

And that person
Is me!!

This is my I know someone who can these are the things that I can do that some people can't do I tried hard to finish this and put it up on my blog.